Wildcat Golf Junior Academy is program for Chicago’s junior golfers founded by Northwestern University’s top coaches. I designed the original site five years ago, but it was time for a refresh. We used stunning new photography of the indoor and outdoor facilities to show the coaches and students in action and streamlined the look and feel to make the site experience more modern. Fully responsive, you can check the schedule or register from any device.
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Share Our Spare
Share Our Spare recently went through a rebranding, courtesy of Chicago’s storied Adrienne Weiss Corporation. I used this gorgeously graphic new identity to refresh the existing site. I rewrote much of the site copy to further demonstrate Share Our Spare’s mission. The tone is friendly, inclusive, and fun, inviting groups and individuals to discover ways they can share their stuff, time, and money to benefit Chicago’s most needy families.
Another site launch! This one was a redesign of MomAngeles.com, a site for moms living in Los Angeles. The site includes a curated directory of businesses, upcoming events, reviews, and insider information on the best places for moms and kids to dine, shop, and play in and around LA.
Founder and CEO Laura Nix Gerson wanted a modern, clean (and significantly streamlined) look for her redesigned site. The primary challenge was that there was a ton of legacy content that needed to be reformatted updated for the new design. The secondary challenge was organizing this content in a way that was easily navigable.
I’m so happy how it all came together! And it really makes me want to visit Los Angeles.
Julia Sweeney
I launched the redesigned site for comedian, actress, writer, and director Julia Sweeney. The site launch coincides with her upcoming stand-up series “Older and Wider” at The Second City (Chicago people, check it out!). Julia wanted a seriously streamlined approach to her new site—clean, modern, and easy to navigate. She will be blogging monthly with thoughts on everything from books to movies to politics. I absolutely love working with Julia!
Amonte Sports
Kelly Amonte Hiller is one of the world’s top lacrosse players. She founded Amonte Sports, an elite lacrosse training program that is primarily based out of Northwestern University, but includes camps and clinics all over the United States.
For her site redesign, she wanted to show the energy of the program through photography and video, while making sure the process of finding and registering for camps and classes was intuitive on both desktop and mobile. The color scheme is faithful to the Northwestern University branding. I love how it all came together: www.amontesports.com.
Studio Lotus Forsyth
The site I designed for Studio Lotus Forsyth is now live! They requested a clean site built around their (beautiful) photos of clients and instructors working in the studio. Subtle elements like transparent overlays and parallax scrolling add interactivity. And we integrated the site with MINDBODY so clients can book online and view the schedule in real time. You can see it at: www.studiolotusforsyth.com
Transforming Chaplaincy
I recently launched the site for www.transformchaplaincy.org, a think tank sponsored by Brandeis University, Rush University Medical Center and the John Templeton Foundation with a mission to promote chaplaincy research in the medical field to improve patient care. The site provides resources for everyone from chaplains to educators and health care providers in an effort to provide all with the tools needed to better integrate spirituality and religion in healthcare.
The challenge with this product was creating an easily navigable site for a lot of research (that will continue to grow). We employed a variety of different ways for users to search and used different custom templates to make the information easily accessible.
Mirikeen Homes, LLC
I recently launched the site for Mirikeen Homes, LLC, a full-service custom construction company located in the Seattle area. (A housing market that is currently.)
Instead of mass-developing homes like many PNW developers, Mirikeen takes a boutique approach. They assume fewer projects at once and work closely with clients for a more personalized, detail-oriented process. On the site, we let the gorgeous photography of these luxury homes shine to show off the stunning results.
Check it out here: mirikeenhomes.com
Earlier this year, I started working with SweetmanCragun, a Boston-based consultancy with offices around the world. As their business grows exponentially, I have helped them refine their message and site to reflect all aspects of their offerings. They are doing some provocative work for clients as they adjust to the global shifts in the world economy. Thrilled to be part of their team.
Helix Homes
Helix Homes designs enviable homes in the Pacific Northwest that are utterly luxurious, yet cozy and livable. Check out the projects category to browse by room. We have two more sites in the pipeline for this company coming up! Branding by Hazen Creative, Inc.