All posts by admin

The Yoga Shop Chicago

I absolutely love it when my personal and professional interests come together. A few weeks ago, I heard that a yoga studio was going to be opening up right down the street, I emailed the owner, expressing interest. (I currently teach spin and sub yoga classes at the Irving Park YMCA.) Mere weeks later, I am not only building their Web site, constructing their social media presence, but also teaching at least two classes a week. Here’s a sneak peek at the placeholder for The Yoga Shop Chicago in Old Irving Park. Shawn even designed the logo. There’s so much more to come in the new few weeks!

Is the Chicago’s Teacher Union on Strike?

Let’s just say that I have a vested interest in the answer to this question. As I am nothing if not a steward of my community, I created the world’s simplest site that distills the message to its essence. No more poring through acrimonious news stories again and again for these site visitors! Here’s a site that tells you exactly what you need to know, completely Rahm and Karen Lewis-free.

Is the CTU on Strike?

Reforming Indy site redesign

Reforming Indy represented the fifth Pilates client I’ve worked with. The client came to me with a very specific vision of what they wanted—persistent buttons “stuck” to the side, a rotating slider, and an animated header. They commissioned beautiful photography of the studio, students, and instructors (it’s my opinion that photography can make or break a site). I also integrated their site with MindBody Online, allowing clients to book and pay for sessions online, or check a live schedule.

See case study