I love writing the monthly enewsletters for Chronicle Books. Every month, I get a box full of fascinating books that really resonate with me. In April I wrote about the enigmatic designer Florence Broadhurst (who was mysteriously murdered in her home), pastry chef Emily Luchetti’s favorite recipes, and graphic artist Jeffrey Brown’s new book, Cat Getting Out of Bag
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Life’s Golden Ticket site design
Written as an inspirational parable (in the style of The Alchemist or The Five People You Meet in Heaven), this is yet another title that you may be seeing on the NYT best-seller’s list soon. There’s buzz about this book from everyone from James Redfield to Publisher’s Weekly.
Pentagram Papers Article
The article I wrote about the 35th anniversary of the Pentagram Papers project is in the most recent (June) issue of HOW. Read it here.
Redesigned site launch
Finally! I’ve only been in business now for almost a year and am now officially launching my portfolio site. My excuse is that I have been so very busy with client work. Please hang with me while I work out the kinks.
Milk Memos Featured Book on Mommy Track’d
I did an online feature for Mommy Track’d promoting the title, Milk Memos. This charming book was written by two women who returned to work at IBM only to face the bane of the working moms’ existence—the pumping room. This book is a great exploration on how to balance work and motherhood.
Launch of iwasareallygoodmom.com
The site that I designed for this humorous, clever, and wise book that tackles the expectations/myths of modern motherhood just launched at www.iwasareallygoodmom.com. For obvious reasons, this was a project particularly close to my heart. The authors are going to be all over the media—you can find them on The Today Show, Rachael Ray’s show, and Shape magazine.
Launch of NRSV.net
This site was to support the NRSV, or the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Published by HarperCollins San Francisco, this revised translation was prepared by the National Council of Churches. with the goal of updating the Bible for a contemporary audience. This is widely accepted as the most ecumenical of all Bible translations.
Rock Your Web Site – HOW Magazine February 2006
Simply having a website is no longer enough. It must be a dynamic destination that acts as a bold advocate on behalf of your business. Here’s how to take your existing site and make it into the ultimate self-promotion tool. Continue reading Rock Your Web Site – HOW Magazine February 2006
Less Is More – HOW Magazine, February 2005
See how 37SIGNALS scrapped web-design work to develop software that retools how designers create — and redefines the way business is done. Continue reading Less Is More – HOW Magazine, February 2005
Web Design That Works: Excerpt
The launch of the Internet invoked an industry boom—pretty much anyone who considered himself an analyst was boldly predicting that the Web would squash brick-and-mortar retailers. If people didn’t have to leave home to do their shopping—if they were able to have absolutely anything they needed delivered to their home, how could traditional stores compete? Continue reading Web Design That Works: Excerpt