Since I started working with McEvoy Ranch two years ago, their business has grown significantly. They needed a robust backend system that could handle their food and body care inventory, as well as tour bookings and tree sales. Although the front-end did not change, we layered the existing design over a new Magento backend with T-HUB integration to facilitate quicker, easier order processing and shipping.
All posts by admin
Barb Best site redesign
Barb Best is an award-winning humorist and author of more than a half-dozen books. In her site redesign, she wanted a playful look that integrated seamlessly with her social media. The colorful site has a blog structure that Barb is meticulous about updating, along with a sidebar which promotes her Twitter, Facebook, and other online presences.
Frog Mom site redesign
Redesigning the Frog Mom site was one of my favorite projects lately. The Frog Mom is also known as Laure Latham the Bay Area-based author of Best Hikes with Kids: San Francisco Bay Area. When we met, Laure told me she was outgrowing her Blogger site, where she detailed adventures with children in the Bay Area and beyond. Together, we created a site that better cataloged her past adventures and built a beautiful framework for new ones. This site never ceases to make me nostalgic for the Bay Area.
Kondor Consulting site launch
This San Diego-based consultancy works with clients world-wide in clinical diagnostics and the life-sciences. CEO Steve Kondor wanted a site that spoke clearly to this targeted market—especially since he worked with clients all over the world.
Lather Chicago site redesign
Lather is a Chicago-based hair salon that quickly grew from one to three salons—and needed a site to grow with it. Owner Tim Toth is a bit of a celeb in the hair business—having worked on set with A-listers in television and movies. His own salon buzzes with that energy and style, which we tried to bring through on the site. Even better, clients are able to book with their favorite stylists right through this WordPress site.
Belding Elementary site redesign
This one was a labor of love—my son Finn is a Kindergartener at Belding Elementary. I saw so much potential for how to connect parents, students, and teachers through this site. Using fellow parent Marina Samovsky’s gorgeous photography, I built the site in WordPress using the existing content, and then added extra items like a photo gallery, integrated Google Calendar and blog.
Napa Valley Osteopathic Medicine site design
Saskia Lytle-Vieira is a Napa-based Osteopath who needed a site that not only allows her to connect with patients, but demystified the role of the Osteopathic Medicine. Her site includes valuable information about her practice, as well as useful resources for people looking to learn more about what Osteopathy can offer them.
The Family Savvy site design
The Family Savvy is an activity guide for Los Angeles parents published by Los Angeles parents. Founded by Sarah Bowman, (co-founder of the popular website, Kids Off the Couch, a former film industry executive (she developed scripts for Spielberg), this site provides carefully curated, up-to-the-moment information on where to go and what to do so parents can be savvy about connecting with their kids and their city.
Cypress String Quartet site redesign
To commemorate their 15th anniversary and new album, San Francisco’s Cypress String Quartet wanted a redesigned site. The design is clean and airy, and allows users to sample music and offers various options to purchase it. The group’s social networking activity is integrated throughout the site, as is the busy events calendar. Despite the fact that there is a lot of information here, the look is very streamlined.
ICU Eyewear site redesign
ICU Eyewear is a Bay Area-based company that offers bright and beautiful glasses for men and women with contemporary styling and refined design elements. This ecommerce site was built upon the Business Catalyst platform to manage an inventory of more than 2600 SKUs of varying colors, magnifications, and styles.