All posts by admin

Simple Sabotage Site Launch

Got this one up just in time for the weekend. Simple Sabotage is a book that will ring true for anyone who works–or has worked–in an office. Last month, I shared the landing page I did for this book. The full-featured site launched today. It features an excellent book trailer (seriously watch it), the ability to share your own tales of sabotage, an industry survey and a lot more.

Simple Sabotage


McEvoy Ranch Site Refresh

I’ve been lucky call McEvoy Ranch a client for more than five years. It’s been thrilling to watch them grow (literally) in many ways as they’ve added new product lines (like wine) and expanded their existing offerings (like body care). We recently did a “design facelift,” updating the page templates with a new color palette, images, and fonts, but preserving the same template structure. The auxiliary email confirmations and newsletters were also updated, bringing everything together and updating the look of the entire site.

McEvoy Ranch

Simple Sabotage Landing Page

Another fast-and-dirty book landing page to accompany the release of galleys for Simple Sabotage. (Full site forthcoming!) This modern field manual provides tips for detecting and rooting out everyday behaviors that undermine the workplace. They might sound familiar:

– Insist on doing everything through channels
– Refer all matters to committees
– Bring up irrelevant issues as often as possible
– Be worried about the propriety of any decision
– Make speeches (talk as long and as frequently as possible)
– Haggle over precise wording of communication
– Bring up irrelevant issues as frequently as possible

Simple Sabotage

The Appetite Solution book site launch

Another diet book from HarperOne! Dr. Joseph Colella is an internationally recognized weight-loss expert and surgeon. In this book, he helps people who chronically struggle with their weight find ways to lose it for good. We included a rotating collection of endorsements, lots of places to buy the book online, an excerpt and video. The site launch was timed to align with his book launch date.

Appetite Solution

The Diet Trap Solution book site launch

I’ve been doing a few of these landing pages for new book launches, and here is a favorite. Here, one page introduces the book, allows orders from a variety of vendors, promotes all the social media links and collects emails for a future newsletter. It loops back to the parent site, while giving the book a nice search engine boost before launch.

The Diet Trap Solution

The Family Savvy site redesign

Today I launched the redesigned site for The Family Savvy–a site promoting activities for families in the Los Angeles area. Together with my awesome client Sarah Bowman, we designed the site to be site fully responsive, played with interesting ways to serve up content through rotators and search, and used bright colors to stand out against a clean white background. Ads were integrated into the copy in a way that didn’t interfere with the content and included dynamic social media feeds to keep the content fresh. I’m super happy with the result.

The Family Savvy

Caring for the Recently Deceased film site launch

Caring for the Recently Deceased is a new dark comedy from Stick and Rudder Films. (In fact, it just got picked up by the Madrid International Film Festival!) I got to experiment with a lot of fun stuff in this design—video backgrounds, mobile use of video, and social media integration. I love how it turned out–from the images to the video to the copy, I feel like it gives a great sense for the film.

Caring for the Recently Deceased

Island Lavender ecommerce site launch

Third site launch of the week. (Get me a beer!) This one is for Island Lavender, an ecommerce site built on the Bigcommerce platform. The lavender for the products is grown on a farm on beautiful Washington Island in Door County, WI. The site offers over a hundred different products for sale–from soaps and scrubs to spices and vinegars.

Island Lavender