This week’s article for
The holidays are almost every industry’s busiest time, and publishing is no exception. As a way to connect their holiday sales with a philanthropic message, San Francisco’s Chronicle Books is spearheading a campaign to get people to pledge to give books this holiday season. For every #GiveBooks Tweet, pin, and online pledge, Chronicle Books will donate a book to a child in need through First Book.
Their goal is 10,000 books, and as of this week, they are halfway there. Help them make their goal by first visiting the Give Books site, and signing the pledge. Then follow up with a pin, Tweet, or more. While it’s always hard to compete with the hottest toys or electronics, there’s also nothing like a book under the tree. Looking for recommendations of great gift books? Check these suggestions from these independent booksellers. (We don’t need to tell you that this is a great way to support the independents.)